Address of the local organising committee:

Department for Nanostructured Materials,
Center for Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis
Jožef Stefan Institute 
Jamova 39 
SI-1000 Ljubljana 
Phone: (+386 1) 477 3898
Fax: (+386 1) 477 3221


Photo gallery from the AdSTEM 2014 workshop

Author: Janez Zavašnik, Matjaž Panjan

AdSTEM 2014 - Picture from the eventAdSTEM 2014 - Picture from the eventAdSTEM 2014 - Picture from the eventAdSTEM 2014 - Picture from the eventAdSTEM 2014 - Picture from the eventAdSTEM 2014 - Picture from the eventAdSTEM 2014 - Picture from the eventAdSTEM 2014 - Picture from the eventAdSTEM 2014 - Picture from the eventAdSTEM 2014 - Picture from the eventAdSTEM 2014 - Picture from the eventAdSTEM 2014 - Picture from the eventAdSTEM 2014 - Picture from the eventAdSTEM 2014 - Picture from the eventAdSTEM 2014 - Picture from the eventAdSTEM 2014 - Picture from the eventAdSTEM 2014 - Picture from the eventAdSTEM 2014 - Picture from the eventAdSTEM 2014 - Picture from the event


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