Address of the local organising committee:

Department for Nanostructured Materials,
Center for Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis
Jožef Stefan Institute 
Jamova 39 
SI-1000 Ljubljana 
Phone: (+386 1) 477 3898
Fax: (+386 1) 477 3221



On behalf of the Organizing Committee it is our pleasure to invite you to participate at the
2nd AdSTEM European Workshop on Quantitative STEM Imaging, EELS and EDXS, which will be held in Piran, Slovenia from September 29 to October 3, 2014. The workshop is organized jointly by the Jožef Stefan Institute and the ESTEEM2. This is the second Advanced School on Transmission Electron Microscopy (AdSTEM) that we organize and our aim is to make the AdSTEM workshop permanent yearly event on state-of-the-art electron microscopy techniques. We will do our best to attract world leading scientists in the field of electron microscopy that will present tutorials and give practicals.


The workshop is targeted at doctoral students, post-doctoral researchers and also already experienced microscopists and will cover the topics of quantitative Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM; BF, ADF, HAADF, ABF), Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) and Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS). The workshop is divided into three modules:

  • Experimental and quantitative HAADF-STEM
  • Experimental and quantitative core-loss and low-loss EELS
  • Experimental and quantitative EDXS

At the workshop, particular attention will be given to the implementation and applications of the above-mentioned techniques. This will be realized through practical sessions on computers. The data-evaluation approaches and the choice of the appropriate evaluation software will be described for various case-study data sets. The participants will be guided by tutors during these practical sessions.


Posters are strongly encouraged. This is the best and fastest way to show your results or present a case study that you wish to share with other colleagues. The posters will be displayed throughout the whole workshop. No abstracts are required.


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